“Outbreaks such as Avian Influenza, SARS and BSE remind us that human and animal health are intimately connected through the ecosystems in which we live and the interfaces between humans and animals,” according to James Casey, President of the Veterinary Officer’s Association. He was announcing details of an All-Ireland Veterinary conference entitled “One Island – One Health’ taking place 30th & 31st March 2012, for those involved in maintaining both human and animal health as well as food standards.
“The island of Ireland, North and South, has a shared interest in protecting consumer health and also in ensuring that our excellent reputation for food quality is maintained,” said Mr. Casey. “We need collaboration as well as strong and stable public health and animal health services and strategies.”
“The state veterinarians play a central role in animal disease surveillance, in responding quickly to disease threats and in maintaining the food safety standards that ensure consumers can have confidence in the standards of food here, at home – but also in our valuable export markets,” said Mr. Casey. “Together with medical professionals we must work to prevent and respond to diseases that are risks to both animal and human health”.
Picture are: Simon Coveney T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Food & The Marine; and Michelle O’Neill, Minister for Agriculture & Rural Development, Northern Ireland Executive, included in the line-up of speakers at the conference on Friday 30th March, 2012.