Experts Reveal Beneficial Role of Milk for Athletes

Health professionals were joined by rising tennis star Tom Farquharson at a conference held at Wimbledon to hear the latest research on the role that milk can play in re-hydration during exercise, fitness training and competitive sport.  Hosted by the National Dairy Council (Ireland) and The Dairy Council (Great Britain) the event is part of a three year campaign, ‘Milk It For All It’s Worth’.  An objective of the campaign is to raise awareness of the benefits of milk to young athletes.

Pictured in Wimbledon were: Dr. Catherine Logan, Nutrition Manager, The National Dairy Council;  Tom Farquharson;  Professor Ron Maughan, Professor of Sport & Exercise Nutrition at Loughborough University, England; and Dominic Cronin, Chairman, The National Dairy Council.

9th December, 2010, Picture by Daniel Jones.


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